b y c h r i s c a r n e a l

-founder of virtue village-

In 2002, I launched a business…

I started our company, Booster, with the goal of helping elementary schools raise funds.

Chris & his wife Lyndie in 2002

Well, more than 20 years have passed, and Booster has grown to become America's largest school fundraising company.

With the Lord’s favor, we’ve helped schools raise more than $500 million.


In 2021, we began searching for a new space for our home office team. Interest rates were low, so we planned to buy instead of lease.

After visiting more than 20 locations north of Atlanta, we discovered a unique building in Peachtree Corners. I immediately saw its potential and envisioned our team working and thriving there. It felt like the perfect place to put down roots.

Unfortunately, it wasn't for sale.

So we went on a prayer walk and prayed the owner would be willing to talk. He was!

We made an offer that day. And within a week, we were under contract.

Our team at Booster didn’t need all 60,000 square feet, so we began thinking about the excess space. A good friend reminded me of an idea we'd discussed years earlier:

A private workspace shared by organizations that believe vocation can be an engine for enhancing the lives of others.

I reached out to a few business-owner friends and floated the idea…

They loved it.

Once again, we felt this was the Lord's doing.

We continued to meet & dream about this new community.

We knew we wanted a space...

  • Where members could learn from other like-minded leaders.

  • That would attract people of virtue who are caring, inspiring, and passionate about doing business the right way.

  • That felt less like an office and more like a village.


  • big spaces for team celebrations

  • quiet nooks for focused work

  • a full-service coffee shop

  • the best-available technology

  • an outdoor kitchen

  • and much more

Next, we began designing the space.

We put a lot of thought into it, because we wanted team members to love working from there.

We imagined the ideal workspace having…

By early 2022, our construction crew was busy at work.

In fall 2022, we opened the doors of Virtue Village for the very first time.

(And we haven’t slowed down since.)

When someone walks into Virtue Village,

I want them to feel refreshed.

I want them to sense the Spirit of the Lord.

I want them to feel like this is the place where they do their best, most excellent work.

And when they leave each day, I want our members to return to their families, friends, & communities better because of the virtuous leaders they encountered that day.

And when you do, look up high on the wall in the kitchen area. You'll see one of my favorite quotes...

I hope you'll visit Virtue Village.

At Virtue Village, we're building a member culture that lifts every business & individual like a mighty, rising tide.

I pray it inspires others to cultivate their own workplace in a transformative way.

Our work matters.

And Virtue Village exists to inspire us to be our best—

for ourselves,

for each other,

and for the world.

— chris carneal, founder of virtue village



Interested in becoming a member of Virtue Village?